"Box modeling is a technique in 3D modeling where the model is created by modifying primitive shapes in a way to create a "rough draft" of the final model. This is in contrast with the edge modeling method, where the modeler edits individual vertices. While a primary function of box modeling involves extruding and scaling the flat planes that make up a model, called faces, another, more prominent feature of this art style gives it a second, less rudimentary name of subdivision modeling." via Wikipedia.
Subdivision modeling is derived from the idea that as a work is progressed, should the artist want to make his work appear less sharp, or "blocky", each face would be divided up into smaller, more detailed faces (usually into sets of four). However, more experienced box modelers manage to create their model without subdividing the faces of the model. Basically, box modeling is broken down into the very basic concept of polygonal management.
I tried to use this type of modeling for a small furniture project. I worked shifting the points of primitive box and extruded its sides, I added more segments in subdivisions faces with the cut tool and slice plane when needed and working with turbosmooth tool to reach the desired degree of curvature of my design. The model was built with 3dmax, the next step will be to increase the complexity of design and the use of new division tools of faces.
The use of tool particle flow in autodesk 3dmax was useful to create a random positioning of trees on the u,v on the surface. The trees vary in size and the distance between them. The method is useful to place hundreds of trees on land 3d in a few clicks and so parametric. Check the second image to see the parameters of particle view.
Dopo la summer school prototyping the city ho provato questa nuova plug-in di rhinoceros che rende parametrico ciò che si disegna tramite un'interfaccia a nodi collegati tramite dei rami. Il software sembra molto semplice da utilizzare e permette a tutti coloro che non conoscono il linguaggio rhinoscript di avvicinarsi ad una modellazione parametrica senza editare codici infiniti.
Questi sono i primi esperimenti molto semplici. I tutorial che ho seguito li potete trovare su www.design reform.net , il blog di David Fano architetto pressoShop architectsdi Ny.
Il primo esercizio è stato quello di riprodurre in forma più semplificata il padiglione eco parametrico progettato dagli studenti della summer school prototyping the city.
Il secondo esercizio è stato una modellazione parametrica di una torre partendo da curve loft rese parametriche tramite la funzione implicit history di rhino. Le variabili sono lo spessore dei solai, l'altezza del parapetto, l' altezza e la dimensione in pianta dei piani della torre. Una piccola variabile che ho aggiunto è il posizionamneto random di space frame come se fossero degli schermi solari, but for now it doesn't work.
english version //////////////////////
After the summer school prototyping the city I tried this new plug-in that makes parametric rhinoceros what draws via a nodes connected through branches. The software seems very simple to use and allows all those who do not know the rhinoscript language to get closer to a parametric modeling codes without endless editing . These are the first experiments very simple. The tutorials that I followed them you can find on www.design reform.net, the blog of David Fano architect at Shop architects of Ny. The first exercise was to play in a more simplified the pavilion echo parametric designed by students of summer school prototyping the city. The second exercise was a parametric modeling of a tower from parametric curves loft made by the implicit history of rhino. The variables are the thickness of the slabs, the height of the parapet, height and size of the plant floors of the tower. A small variable that I added is the random places of space frame as if they were of solar screens, but for now it does not work.
Davide del Giudice is an OAT registred architect who works in computational design field and complex geometries and currently works as Senior Architect at Zaha Hadid Architects.
Co-founder of Co-de-iT ( Computational Design Italy) with Andrea Graziano & Alessio Erioli.
DDG collaborates with CityVision Magazine as interviewer for the computational design section.
Curator of aast09///advanced architecture Settimo Tokyo, Generative Architecture events in Settimo and Tokyo and a series of international parametric workshops with Andrea Graziano and CASARTARC.
DDG collaborates with Giorgio del Giudice, a 3D artist whom works across 3D modeling, rapid prototyping and interaction design.
Co-founder of A + Surface, Students Association of Polytechnic of Turin, organizing generative architecture workshops trough virtual/real models.
DDG is the winner of Guido Nardi 08, "Innovative technologies and complex shapes" prize and finalist by the International Archiprix CNAPPC under the XXIII UIA World Congress held in Turin with his thesis TMD_tsunami memorial design competition, network as design tools.
Attends Workshop with Mathias Sauerbruch ( Sauerbruch & Hutton), Erich Schoenenberger (SU11, Ferda Kolatan & Erich Schoenenberger) and Mario Cucinella ( MCArchitects).
Project exhibition in Biennale of Venice NEXT, METAMORPH, St.Petersburg, Moscow, and SCI_ARC in Los Angeles.
He was an assistant tutor at the International Summer School "Prototyping the City", in the Turin World Design Capital event with Architectural Association ( Ecologic Studio) and Columbia GSAPP (Avery Digital Fabrication Laboratory) tutors .
Technical tutor at the design studio LPAIII Skyscraper prof. R.Apostolo from 2004 to 2007 and Architectural Urban Composition CAU08 Prof. Cesare Griffa from 2008.
He lives in London and Ivrea.
MadeInCalifornia is a [CO]mputational [DE]sign blog online since Sept 2005 (definition by Generator.x).
The intent of this blog is to archive and spread experiments in computational design and parametric systems.
CO.DE. is a personal design research where the author shares his solutions and research projects, realized by advanced computational tools like scripting and parametrics models.
These projects are different to conventional approach of design where is a singular design solution, these projects are designed by parametric systems that produce a reactive intelligence and multiple iterative results responding to the domain of input parameters. These systems are been used by a bottom-up approach to respond qualities of emergence and continuous differentation with adaptive variations to urban and architectural environments.
n= Dec07 to Today09 LOG///
Dec07// Master degree at Politecnico di Torino with a computational design thesis TMD_tsunami memorial design competition, network as design tool::: prof.Roberto Apostolo, prof.Mario Grosso, Arch.Andrea Graziano
Jan08// Join at studioGriffa, Turin as project architect
Feb08// at DRL TEN exhibition, Architectural Association, London with K_pavilion project ::: visiting Zaha Hadid Architects London, attends co|de lecture: Shajay Booshan, Danilo Arsic
Feb08// K_pavilion publicated at DRL TEN book.
Mar08// UIA infopoint competition.
May08// MCA, Mario Cucinella architects "Una stanza di luce" workshop at Cavallerizza Chiablese, Turin
Jun08// Workshop “Parametric Architecture” tutors Ludovica Tramontin Asp(e)x and Erich Schoenenberger (Su11 architecture+design, Pratt Insitute, NY, USA)
Jul08/// Torino World Design Summer School “Prototyping the city” assistant tutor of EcologicStudio-Architectural Association, NSU-GSAPP-Columbia University and Politecnico di Torino+ Configuration 0 project.
May08// Venaria, Italy “ Corona Verde project” commissioned public work of 5 wood pavilions for social activities in Venaria.
Jul08// Interview on Wilfing Architettura: "Intervista Blog a Davide del Giudice, l' architettura implementata".
Nov08// Siena, Italy “Concorso di progettazione in
unico grado per la realizzazione del nuovo istituto agrario in località Scacciapensieri in Siena” architectural competition for Agricultural Institute project design.
Jan09// Susa, Italy “Concorso di progettazione per la valorizzazione dei resti dell’antico tempio
romano di piazza Savoia”, architectural competition for historical square redesign and functional devices.
Apr09// Organize aast///advanced architecture settimo tokyo events: international designer exhibition, convention and workshop with CASARTARC and Andrea Graziano.
Apr09// aast///spaceframe installation, a grasshopper3d parametric installation for aast exhibition with Andrea Graziano.
May09// Joined Zaha Hadid Architects, Rome office
Jun09/// BaaM installation, parametric 3dmodel and details drawing documentation.
Jul09// Regium Waterfront of Reggio Calabria, Italy, landscape 3dmodel and project rendering.
Aug09// working on co-de-it new adventure.
Sept09// grasshopper parametric facade.
Nov09// BaaM installation lasercut model.
Dec09/// Gehry Technologies' Digital Project™ training.
Jan10// visit at UNstudio, Amsterdam.
Feb10// Spaceframe installation featured at UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA_parametric lecture.swf online
Mar10// Spaceframe installation featured at Costruire digitale. Riflessioni sui mutamenti della professione architettonica book (thx to Stefano Converso).
May10// MIC is featured at Architettura Parametrica, Introduzione a Grasshopper book (thx to Arturo Tedeschi)
Jun10// Parametric Honeycomb series01c featured at Digital Med Workshop lecture.
Jul10// DDG's works selected to become part of a group of individuals recognized for excelling in and furthering architecture and design at Nous Gallery Network, London.
Sept10// DDG's interview and projects selection on City Vision Magazine, a new architectural magazine in Rome (invitation Francesco Lipari).
Oct10// K Pavilion featured at AA Agendas no.8 "Nine Problems In The Form Of a Pavilion" edited by Alan Dempsey & Yusuke Obuchi, Architectural Association, London.
/ Rendering of Regium waterfront of Reggio Calabria and parametric skin for the Hotel realized in Grasshopper featured on Zaha Hadid Recent Projects, GA.
/TMD_network as design tool thesis at Culture-Nature exhibition, spazio thetis, Arsenale Novissimo, 12.Biennale di Architettura di Venezia.
Feb11// Emerging Computation, Marco Vanucci (OPENSYSTEM, AKT_Adams Kara Taylor) interviewed by Davide del Giudice on CityVision Magazine n.2
March11//Co-de-iT Advanced Grasshopper Workshop at Irecoop, Firenze. Tutor: Giulio Piacentino_(McNeel Europe) Scripting workshop in C# e Vb.net code in Grasshopper.
May11// Computational Craft, Shajay Bhooshan ( CO|DE, Zaha Hadid Architects) interviewed by Davide del Giudice on CityVision Magazine n.3
Jul11// visit at ZHA Afragola high speed train station construction site.
Sept11// Self organized system, Irene Shamma ( SHAMPOO, AL_A Amanda Levete Architects) interview by Davide del Giudice on CityVision Magazine n.4