04 December 2009
StrangeAttractor 01 /////////////////////////////////////////////
Peter De Jong attractor, an organic patterns through recursive code.
Rhinoscript will be published asap.
///////thx to Alessio Erioli
16 November 2009
Flow component 01///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
My first attemp in my last parametric work has been a deformed distribuition of one component on a surface. The task was to control a deformation of one parametric component on a plane surface trough a cage rhino command. In GH this command doesn't exist yet, but i tried to mimic this useful type of deformation trough twice flow along surface component in GH. The effect seems like work...
08 November 2009
Phyllotaxis System 05///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
An exercise about Phyllotaxis variation using VB script code in Grasshopper, working on variables with a few changes of the values "i" in the math formula of spiral: x= cos(i), y=sin(i), z=i
"In mathematics, a spiral is a curve which emanates from a central point, getting progressively farther away as it revolves around the point.(via wikipedia)"
Here the VB code that plots the spiral points:
Sub RunScript(ByVal n As Integer)
'your code here…
Dim r_list As New List (Of on3dpoint)
Dim p_list As New List (Of on3dpoint)
Dim q_list As New List (Of on3dpoint)
For i As int32=1 To n
Dim r As New on3dpoint(cos(i) * i, sin(i) * i, i / 1000)
Dim p As New on3dpoint(cos(i + 0.5) * i, sin(i + 0.5) * i, i + 1 / 1000)
Dim q As New on3dpoint(cos(i) * (i + 1), sin(i) * (i + 1), i / 1000 + (i + 4))
A = r_list
B = p_list
C = q_list
End Sub
Download code at: http://www.co-de-it.com/wordpress/code/grasshopper-code
And the Rhinoscript code, but it's a wip...
Dim i,arrpoint1,arrPoint2,strSphere
For i=0 To 500
arrPoint1 = Array(cos(i)*i,sin(i)*i,i/1000)
arrPoint2 = Array((cos(i+1)*i),(sin(i+1)*i)+1,(i+1/1000))
Rhino.AddPoint arrPoint1
Rhino.AddPoint arrPoint2
'Rhino.AddSphere arrPoint1, i*0.1
rhino.AddLine arrPoint1,arrPoint2
And the Rhinoscript code, but it's a wip...
Dim i,arrpoint1,arrPoint2,strSphere
For i=0 To 500
arrPoint1 = Array(cos(i)*i,sin(i)*i,i/1000)
arrPoint2 = Array((cos(i+1)*i),(sin(i+1)*i)+1,(i+1/1000))
Rhino.AddPoint arrPoint1
Rhino.AddPoint arrPoint2
'Rhino.AddSphere arrPoint1, i*0.1
rhino.AddLine arrPoint1,arrPoint2
28 October 2009
Mesh transform 01
A quick test with Giulio Piacentino's Wavebird Grasshopper component: a plugin for topological transformations in Rhino 4.0 and Grasshopper 0.6.0019.
12 October 2009
Tangent line Field 01 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Last week i worked on this gh definition remaining on my personal research of fields. This is an example of Kiss principle:
///images editd with http://www.pixlr.com/editor/
"The KISS principle: KISS is a bacronym for the empirical principle "Keep it simple, stupid".[1] KISS states that design simplicity should be a key goal and that unnecessary complexity should be avoided. Some propose that it follow its own principle by dropping the redundant letter to be: KIS "Keep it simple". Another possible interpretation is "Keep it short and simple"[2]."A line controls every vector directly linked to it by their tangency at their closest points on
line. I've realized this simple field as an installation of cones that follow the principal way of the
visitors. In this case the flux of the visitors is the agent that controls the field.
line. I've realized this simple field as an installation of cones that follow the principal way of the
visitors. In this case the flux of the visitors is the agent that controls the field.
///images editd with http://www.pixlr.com/editor/
Exhibition in Rome at Accademia Nazionale di San Luca. Ten drawings by studioGriffa will be exposed at this exhibition.
via official site "Il 19 ottobre 2009, alle ore 18.30, inaugura la prima mostra del Premio Giovani 2009.
Secondo le modalità contenute nel regolamento, sono stati segnalati trentacinque candidati, tra artisti e architetti, le cui opere saranno allestite nelle sale espositive all’i nterno di Palazzo Carpegna, sede dell’Accademia. "
info: http://andorno24.blogspot.com/
info: http://andorno24.blogspot.com/
4th workshop aast/// Design with Rhinoceros, Grasshopper and VB script
Nel workshop verrà analizzato e approfondito l’uso di Rhino 3d e del plug-in Grasshopper, strumenti che permettono ai progettisti e ai designer il controllo grafico delle procedure di generazione dei modelli tridimensionali architettonici, avendo così un totale controllo parametrico.
12 – 17 ottobre 2009
12, 13, 14 ottobre Giulio Piacentino (McNeel tutors )
15, 16, 17 ottobre Tutor Marco Vanucci (AKT, openSystems, London) e Annarita Papeschi ( Zaha Hadid Architects, London)
curators: Andrea Graziano, Lorena Alessio, Davide del Giudice
more info @ http://aast09.wordpress.com/
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