30 January 2009

Honeycomb panels 03

Honeycomb tesselation rhinoscript optimized:
-contouring curves created by rhinoscript
-equal distance of contouring curves is variable
-selection of curves more fast, not one by one
-number of division points is variable
-more fast honeycomb construction

Option Explicit
' Author: Milutin Cerovic 2009
' www.4ofseven.com
' adapted:http://www.madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/
Call Main()
Sub Main()
'declare variables
Dim arrPoints
Dim i,j
Dim strObject, arrStartPoint, arrEndPoint, arrContours, divnumber
Dim arrIsoCurves
Const rhObjectCurve = 4
'select surface or Polysurface
strObject = Rhino.GetObject("Select object", rhObjectSurface + rhObjectPolysurface)
'define plane of section
arrStartPoint = Rhino.GetPoint("select contour base plane startpoint")
arrEndPoint = Rhino.GetPoint("select contour plane endpoint", arrStartPoint)
'define distance of sections
divnumber= rhino.GetReal("enter equal distance of sections contour")
arrContours = Rhino.SurfaceContourPoints(strObject, arrStartPoint, arrEndPoint,divnumber)
'draw curve through section arraypoints
If IsArray(arrContours) Then
For Each arrPoints In arrContours
Rhino.Addcurve arrPoints

End If
'select isocurves
arrIsoCurves=Rhino.GetObjects ("Select Section curves, from left to right or viceversa",rhObjectcurve)
ReDim arrPoints(UBound(arrIsoCurves))
'divide curve into equal distances and array points
DivNumber = Rhino.GetReal ("enter divide number curves")
For i=0 To UBound(arrIsoCurves)
'draw lines with honeycomb pattern
'>>>>>>>>>>>>>ACTIVE NEXT LINE FOR FAST CALCULATION<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

' Call rhino.EnableRedraw (False)
For i=0 To (UBound(arrIsoCurves)-1)Step 4
For j=0 To (DivNumber-2)
If j Mod 2 <> 0 Then
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i)(j),arrPoints(i+1)(j)
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+1)(j),arrPoints(i+2)(j+1)
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+2)(j+1),arrPoints(i+1)(j+2)
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+2)(j+1),arrPoints(i+3)(j+1)
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+3)(j+1),arrPoints(i+4)(j+2)
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+3)(j+1),arrPoints(i+4)(j)

End If
'>>>>>>>>>>>>>ACTIVE NEXT LINE FOR FAST CALCULATION<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

'Call rhino.EnableRedraw (True)
End Sub

29 January 2009

Honeycomb panels 02

After last post you can found here, where i used rhino paneling tool in order to reconstruct a surface with honeycomb tesselation, now i wrote a very simple lines construction point by point in a rhinoscript found on this blog: 4ofseven, Design Studio at University of Belgrade Graduate Programme.

Option Explicit
' Author: Milutin Cerovic 2009
' www.4ofseven.com
' adapted: www.madeincalifornia.blogspot.com

Call Main()
Sub Main()
'declare variables

Dim arrIsoCurves
Dim arrPoints
Dim DivNumber
Dim i,j

'select isocurves
arrIsoCurves=Rhino.GetObjects ("Select Isocurves, in order one by one")
ReDim arrPoints(UBound(arrIsoCurves))
'divide curve into equal distances and array points

DivNumber = Rhino.GetReal ("enter divide number
For i=0 To UBound(arrIsoCurves)

'draw lines with honeycomb pattern

For i=0 To (UBound(arrIsoCurves)-1)Step 4
For j=0 To (DivNumber-2)
If j Mod 2 <> 0 Then
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i)(j),arrPoints(i+1)(j)
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+1)(j),arrPoints(i+2)(j+1)

Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+2)(j+1),arrPoints(i+1)(j+2)
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+2)(j+1),arrPoints(i+3)(j+1)
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+3)(j+1),arrPoints(i+4)(j+2)
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+3)(j+1),arrPoints(i+4)(j)

End If
End Sub

Diagrid bookshelf 01

Working on rhino grasshoper file using boolean difference in order to create shelves that follow the diagrid tesselation on a surface. In another test i worked on aperture of diagrid cells through a point attractor that control the scale of internal cells.

25 January 2009

VB script diagrid02

Some applications on testing surface and diagrid tesselation controlled by one attractor point.

24 January 2009

VB script diagrid01

Testing Visual Basic script in rhino grasshopper.

"Diagrid (a portmanteau of diagonal grid) is a design for constructing large buildings with steel that creates triangular structures with diagonal support beams. It requires less structural steel than a conventional steel frame. Hearst Tower reportedly uses 21 percent less steel than a standard design. The Diagrid also obviates the need for large corner columns and provides a better distribution of load in the case of a compromised building. Another building designed by Sir Norman Foster, 30 St Mary Axe, known as "the Gherkin", also makes use of this structural system."via Wikipedia

Class Grasshopper_Custom_Script
#Region "members"
Private app As MRhinoApp
Private doc As MRhinoDoc

Public A As System.Object
#End Region

Sub RunScript(ByVal pts As List(Of On3dPoint), ByVal u As Integer, ByVal v As Integer)

Dim arrPt(0 To u, 0 To v) As On3dPoint

Dim cnt As Integer = 0

For i As Int32 = 0 To u

For j As Int32 = 0 To v

arrPt(i, j) = pts(cnt)

cnt = cnt + 1



Dim lines As New List(Of OnCurve)()
'Point Culling
For i As Int32 = 0 To u - 2 Step 2

For j As Int32 = 0 To v - 2 Step 2
lines.Add(New OnLineCurve(arrPt(i + 1, j), arrPt(i + 2, j + 1)))
lines.Add(New OnLineCurve(arrPt(i + 2, j + 1), arrPt(i + 1, j + 2)))
lines.Add(New OnLineCurve(arrPt(i + 1, j + 2), arrPt(i, j + 1)))
lines.Add(New OnLineCurve(arrPt(i, j + 1), arrPt(i + 1, j)))

lines.Add(New OnLineCurve(arrPt(i + 2, j + 1), arrPt(i + 3, j + 2)))
lines.Add(New OnLineCurve(arrPt(i + 3, j + 2), arrPt(i + 2, j + 3)))
lines.Add(New OnLineCurve(arrPt(i + 2, j + 3), arrPt(i + 1, j + 2)))
lines.Add(New OnLineCurve(arrPt(i + 1, j + 2), arrPt(i + 2, j + 1)))



A = lines

End Sub

#Region "Additional methods and Type declarations"

#End Region
End Class



A surface for testing my GH visual script.

23 January 2009


First test in rhino grasshopper on creating form controlled by mathematical curves and generated by development of one or more sections along a rail. Ghx file scripted with Andrea Graziano.