30 September 2010


New and simplified version of an old grasshopper definition, using Cage Rhino Command as deformation control. Downolad z_MIC_IsoCurve deformation_simple.ghx

29 September 2010


First attemp to Processing.

I'm working on Processing in my free time, and I think it's a very powerful software. I heard about this software in the winter of 2006 when I visited the Interaction Design Institute of Ivrea (which now has closed, Italy, poor country). Stefano Mirti, who taught Processing in that school, showed and told us that soon it would become a famous software. Everyone know that Processing is an open source software created by Ben Fry and Casey Reas, but not everyone knows how fun and easy is to write code with it.

The potential of processing is handling a huge amount of geometry on the screen and interfacing with most of the computational software. This is a simple bouncing ball in the space limit of the screen, creating a ghost effect of itself, creating a very strong pattern. The circle while bounces changes its size according to a sinusoidal law, as if a button was pressed, like on-off, 0 and 1 values.
More to come in next future.
Download Bounce01 code

TAC_Technically Advanced Construction////////////////

TAC course is cancelled.

I'm proud to present this postgraduate course in Italy organized by dear friends Andrea Graziano, Alessio Erioli, Elena Scripelliti, Ingrid Paoletti and Matteo Lo Prete.

From the official site:

TAC Technically Advanced Construction is a new postgraduate course for graduates and professionals sponsored by the Department of Building Environment Science and Technology (BEST), Politecnico di Milano. It will run for three months and will allow participants to achieve specific levels of knowledge in the design-to-production process through the use of advanced digital tools for design and the creation of physical models.

The entire course, based at the Polytechnic of Milan, will take place through studies, workshops and working periods assisted (during the development, manufacture and test trial) by a team of highly skilled professionals and teachers (from studies and international schools like AA London, ARUP, Buro Happold, Zaha Hadid, Gehry Technologies, SPAN Architects ...).

The objective is to design, prototype, and finally the test “multi-performative skins" through computational design software. Audits in progress performance of the "skin". will be the main feedback to optimize the final design.

The course will be completed by a series of public lectures held by the same course tutors and other professionals and teachers of international renown.

The course will start on January 17, 2011 and will end on April 17, 2011 (daily attendance).

Registration are open until December 13, 2010.

We need all your support, spread the new!!!!

21 September 2010

TAC_Post Graduate studio at Polimi.

TAC course is cancelled.

Andrea and Elena are working hard on Tac preliminary organization and now the first flyer of TAC_Technically Advanced Construction is out! Stay tuned on our tweets, Facebook pages, blogs...