12 May 2016

Agents Behaviour_05

Ongoing research on the implementation of behaviors in an agents driven system.
Download the code here as PLETHORA LIB_AGENTS BEHAVIOR_05.pde

10 May 2016

Agents Behaviour_04

Some tests on agents behaviour in Processing 3.0 using Plethora Library by Jose Sanchez.
Reference tutorials:

download the code here
and the reference image for the terrain here
please use this method of visualization if you are running the code with Processing 3.1 (8 May 2016):

please find the all new visualization method ath this link:https://processing.org/reference/fullScreen_.html

Agents Behaviour_03

Some tests on agents behaviour in Processing 3.0 using Plethora Library by Jose Sanchez.
Reference tutorials:

download the code here

please use this method of visualization if you are running the code with Processing 3.1 (8 May 2016):


please find the all new visualization method ath this link:https://processing.org/reference/fullScreen_.html

Agents Behaviour_02

Some tests on agents behaviour in Processing 3.0 using Plethora Library by Jose Sanchez.
Reference tutorials:

download the code here

please use this method of visualization if you are running the code with Processing 3.1 (8 May 2016):


please find the all new visualization method ath this link:https://processing.org/reference/fullScreen_.html