31 July 2008

Morphê: MRGD.

Fantastic thesis booklet transformed in publication from MRGD, AAdrl team. Their project was a parametric parasite urban lobby on tottenham court road tower. They exlpored a self organization system with maya tool hair.

"The new volume in the RIEA Concepts Series introduces the "UrbanLobby" project by MRGD, the young London architecture office started by Melike Altinisik, Samer Chamoun and Daniel Widrig. The office recently won the SwissArtsAward 2007 for its work and their projects have been shown in a number of AA Gallery exhibitions." via amazon

AA digital fabrication lab.

You can find some interesting images about the digital fabrication lab at this flickr set and more info and slides of the projects at this blog.
I found Mattia in this set ;) In the first image above at the right you can see the DRL project of Ludovico Lombardi, in my opinion the best project of this year.

14 July 2008

Configuration ZERO realized

Yesterday we realized the configuration zero as infopoint for every students that arrive today from all over the world for workshop registration. Our configuration zero will be dissambled like cannibalism process for realize the final pavilion for Prototyping the city, internation summer school Torino World Design Capital.
Thanks to Bruno, Gianluca, Federico, Cesare, Caterina, Elena and Mariapaola for the realization.

See more about this summer school at http://www.protocity.blogspot.com/

09 July 2008

///Prototyping the city_official blog

///Prototyping the city_Teaching Staff

Leaders: C.Pasquero - Architectural Association M.Poletto - Architectural Association C.Tiazzoldi - Columbia University Local coordination: C. Griffa - Politecnico di Torino Local Partners: Denaldi Legnami s.a.s. Experts: P. Anzalone – Columbia University Assistants: D. del Giudice - A. Graziano


"Produzione di un installazione temporanea" July 13 > 29 - Torino

Dalla sinergia di Politecnico di Torino, Architectural Association e Columbia University nasce una ricerca border-line tra design e architettura finalizzata alla ideazione e produzione di una struttura temporanea da installare presso l'Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo durante il periodo di Designing Connected Places. Sistemi di progettazione parametrica sono utilizzati per concepire uno spazio pubblico sperimentale capace di rispondere ad alcuni stimoli investigati nei sei workshop.

Domanda di progetto
In una città dalla struttura complessa nella quale le interazioni fra le parti si intensificano, nella quale il numero dei decisori e degli scenari culturali si sovrappongono, si interconnettono, e talvolta si scontrano, è necessario rispondere con nuove tipologie, nuovi organismi urbani e nuovi sistemi di gestione del progetto. In questo scenario, come possono la progettazione digitale parametrica e la prototipazione rapida diventare strumenti di ricerca e sviluppo? Come li si puo' sfruttare per investigare temi fondamentali come la salute ed il benessere, l'efficienza della mobilità urbana, la sicurezza e l'ecologia?"


The synergy between the Politecnico di Torino, the Architectural Association and Columbia University gives life to research on the border between design and architecture to conceive and produce a temporary structure to be installed at the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo during the period of Designing Connected Places. Parametric design systems are used to conceive an experimental public space able to respond to some of the stimuli investigated in the six workshops.

Project question.
In a city with a complex structure where interactions between the parties involved intensify, in which the number of decision-makers and cultural scenarios overlap, interlink, and sometimes clash, a response is required with new forms, new urban bodies and new planning management systems. In this scenario, how can parametric digital design and rapid prototyping become tools of research and development? How can they be exploited to investigate fundamental questions like health and well-being, the efficiency of urban mobility, security and ecology?

AA Project Review 08

Now online the microsite of project review 2008 and book on sale.


aa project review 08 book

aa project review microsite

05 July 2008