22 February 2009

Carnevale di Ivrea 2009

More photos about  the Orange Battle in Ivrea @ this

11 February 2009


Honeycomb panels 04

Optimization of last Honeycomb rhinoscript.
Now the script works with IsoCurve surface, in this case the honeycomb pattern follow the curvature of the input surface. Pattern now results more interesting than the last version.
I've found the main part of code for extract isocurve into Monkey :

strObject = Rhino.GetObject("Select surface for isocurve extraction", rhObjectSurface)
For i=0 To 100
arrPoint = Rhino.GetPointOnSurface(strObject, "Select from left to right o viceversa 10 location points on surface for extraction")

arrParameter = Rhino.SurfaceClosestPoint(strObject, arrPoint)

Rhino.ExtractIsoCurve strObject, arrParameter , 1



Change integer 100 with your preferences, it's the number of isocurve extracted. The parameter 1 at last string is 1 for V isocurve, 0 for U isocurve and 2 for both.

The script also hide the input surface and the isocurve extracted.

02 February 2009

Rhinoscript diagrid 01.

Diagrid version of last honeycomb pattern script.

Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i)(j+1),arrPoints(i+2)(j)
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+2)(j),arrPoints(i+4)(j+1)
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+4)(j+1),arrPoints(i+2)(j+2)
Rhino.addLine arrPoints(i+2)(j+2),arrPoints(i)(j+1)