Option Explicit
' Script written by PARAMOD
'adapted by Davide del Giudice
' http://madeincalifornia.blogspot.com/
'Script version giovedì 15 aprile 2009
Call GradientColorAddNormalVector()
Sub GradientColorAddNormalVector()
Const rhObjectPoint = 1
Dim strObject, arrCoordPoint
Dim i, j, n: n=0
DIM o: o=0
Dim p: p=0
Dim strSrf
Dim Udomain, Vdomain
Dim arrPt, strTxt
Dim Ustep, Vstep
Dim intDivider
Dim u, v, zspread, zz, zround, zcolor
Dim vectNormal, arrPointNormal, strCoords, arrCoords
Dim strLine
Dim arrPlane
Dim strCircle
Dim arrCones
Dim strMax, maxZ, minZ
Dim strtextdot
'pick surface
strSrf = Rhino.GetObject ("pick surface", 8)
'get surface domain
Udomain = Rhino.SurfaceDomain (strSrf, 0)
Vdomain = Rhino.SurfaceDomain (strSrf, 1)
Call rhino.Print(UDomain(0) & "," & UDomain(1) )
Call rhino.Print(VDomain(0) & "," & VDomain(1))
'get domain point
Dim Umean, Vmean
Umean = UDomain(0)+ (UDomain (1) - Udomain (0)) / 2
Umean = Round (Umean,2)
Vmean = VDomain(0)+ (VDomain (1) - Vdomain (0)) / 2
Vmean = Round (Vmean,2)
Call rhino.Print(Umean & "," & Vmean)
intDivider = rhino.Getinteger ("get number of intDivider",1,10,50)
Ustep = (Udomain(1) - Udomain (0)) / IntDivider
Vstep = (Vdomain(1) - Vdomain (0)) / IntDivider
'Call rhino.EnableRedraw (False)
For i = 0 To intDivider
For j = 0 To IntDivider
u = Udomain (0)+ Ustep*i
v = Vdomain(0)+ Vstep*j
arrPt = rhino.EvaluateSurface (strSrf, array (u,v))
Call rhino.addpoint(arrPt)
strCoords = rhino.addpoint(arrPt)
arrCoords = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strCoords)
'strtextdot= Rhino.AddTextDot (n+1, arrPt)
ReDim Preserve Z(n)
Z(n) = arrCoords(2)
zz = arrCoords(2)
'Call Rhino.AddTextDot (zz, arrCoords)
If n > 0 Then
End If
n = n+1
maxZ = Rhino.Max(z)
Call Rhino.Print (maxZ & "maximum")
minZ = Rhino.Min(z)
Call Rhino.Print (minZ & "minimum")
zspread = maxZ - minZ
Call Rhino.Print (Zspread & "spread")
For i = 0 To intDivider
For j = 0 To IntDivider
u = Udomain (0)+ Ustep*i
v = Vdomain(0)+ Vstep*j
arrPt = rhino.EvaluateSurface (strSrf, array (u,v))
Call rhino.addpoint(arrPt)
strCoords = rhino.addpoint(arrPt)
arrCoords = Rhino.PointCoordinates (strCoords)
strObject = arrCoords
'arrCoordPoint = Rhino.PointCoordinates(strObject)
'Call Rhino.Print Rhino.Pt2Str(arrCoordPoint, 3)
'Call Rhino.AddTextDot (arrCoords(2),arrCoords)
vectNormal = Rhino.SurfaceNormal (strSrf, array (u,v))
vectNormal = rhino.VectorScale (vectNormal, 2)
arrPointNormal = Rhino.PointAdd (arrPt, vectNormal)
zz = arrCoords(2)
strLine = rhino.AddLine (arrPt, arrPointNormal)
Call Rhino.CurveArrows (strLine ,2)
arrPlane = Rhino.PlaneFromNormal (arrPt, vectNormal)
'Call Rhino.AddPlaneSurface (arrPlane, 2, 2)
'strCircle = rhino.AddCircle (arrPlane, 10/intDivider*(i))
'Call Rhino.AddPlanarSrf ( array (strCircle) )
'arrCones = Rhino.AddCone (arrPlane, 2,1, True)
zcolor = ((zz - minZ)*(255/(maxZ-minZ)))
zround = 50 * (Rhino.Floor(zcolor/50))
'Call rhino.ObjectColor (arrcones, rgb (200,zround,150) )
Call rhino.ObjectColor (strline, rgb (200,zround,150) )
strtextdot= Rhino.AddTextDot (zround, arrPointNormal)
Call rhino.ObjectColor (strtextdot, rgb (200,zround,150) )
' Call rhino.EnableRedraw (True)
End Sub
2 commenti:
First and foremost, your work is INCREDIBLE. I think the closest word to describe it is inspirational. I am a current student at the AA London in Landscape Urbanism where we are playing with grasshopper and parametric tools. I found this script quite interesting and I was wondering if you could answer a question for me. One I run the script on a surface, Rhino calculates the normals and colors but does not proceed in making the cones. Do you know what could be wrong with it?
I would appreciate your help. Really, your website and work are amazing. Keep up the good work.
Hi Leo, thx for this comment.
Please write me your mail and i'll send you the script with array of cones.
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